Basics of an Alkaline Diet Plan
Surely you have heard a lot of times about the alkaline diet plan and acid diet plan. If you think on a scale, where 7 is neutral pH, anything towards 0 is acidic, while anything above 7 is alkaline. However, foods do not act so easily in the body, where they depend on contact with other substances and with the body itself to cause one reaction or another.
An alkaline diet is based on avoiding acidic foods, such as dairy, wheat (gluten), and red meat, and increasing consumption of healthy alkaline foods, such as vegetables and whole grains, to combat weight problems, improve mood and benefit the digestive system.
An alkaline diet is based on avoiding acidic foods, such as dairy, wheat (gluten), and red meat, and increasing your intake of healthy alkaline foods.
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It is the first question asked by those who see that foods such as lemons are on the list of alkaline foods. “But if the lemon is acid!”. Yes and no: the taste of lemon is sour, indeed. However, when we talk about acidic and alkaline foods, we are not referring to their taste (what is the alkaline taste?), but to the effect, they have on the human organism after digestion, and not according to their taste or the way they taste. pH itself.
Lemon, for example, provides minerals to the body that help reduce acidity after digestion. In this example, the difference is easily appreciated, but there are other foods in which it is not so clear.
Alkaline foods, in general, come from fresh vegetables and fruits, oils, and legumes (all of them, preferably raw), so 80% of the diet should be covered by these food groups.

On the other hand, acidic foods are more recurrent, common, and accessible, such as coffee, alcohol, bread (and all wheat derivatives, such as pasta), refined sugar, dairy products, meat, foods fried foods, processed foods, industrial pastries
In addition, acidic foods are related to artificial sweeteners in most cases. Therefore, a maximum of 20% of foods from these groups should be consumed to obtain the benefits of the alkaline diet. Remember that the objective is not to completely eliminate acidic foods: the ideal is to maintain the acid-alkaline balance in our body, maintaining the 80-20 ratio.
Benefits of an alkaline diet relate it to the following benefits:
- Prevention of arthritis and improvement of the bone system.
- Regulation of calcium levels in the blood.
- Improvement of the muscular system, including the cardiovascular system.
- In addition, you benefit from everything that comes from it: healthier skin and hair, better supply of oxygen to the tissues, improvement in general health (and therefore quality of life)…
- Although there are those who associate alkaline diets with weight loss, it does not mean that a diet of this type serves to lose weight: simply, the change in the quality of food is what can lead, collaterally, to the reduction of body fat. It may be an added benefit, but it’s not the main goal of an alkaline diet.
Alkaline foods, in general, come from fresh vegetables and fruits, oils, and legumes (all of them, preferably raw), so 80% of the diet should be covered by these food groups.
If, in addition, to this form of nutrition, we add other positive principles of nutrition, such as having a greater number of meals but smaller (breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack, and dinner) and the maxim of “breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and dine like a tramp”, not only will we gain in health, but our body will respond positively.
The best thing, before any change in diet, is to do it progressively: start eating salad, instead of bread or chips, as an accompaniment, or add more pieces of fruit and vegetables to our meals. Little by little, not only will we get used to the change in flavors, textures, and foods, but our bodies will also have time to assimilate the changes and make the most of them.
Water is a great ally since its presence means that the body has a greater capacity to dissolve all substances in liquid and they can be better assimilated. It often happens that many people who want to start an alkaline diet have already had some kind of warning from their body. These warnings usually come from making very heavy and poorly distributed meals, so the first problem will arise with breakfast.
Doesn’t your food come first thing in the morning? As soon as you get up, drink a glass of water at room temperature with half a lemon squeezed. You will see how little it takes to be hungry! Lemon water juice is a refreshing and highly alkalizing drink that helps to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc. on a small scale.
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Knowing alkaline and acid foods will help us create a daily menu in which they are represented in their proper measure. Each food on this list has a PH, from 0 to 6 are acid elements and from 7 are alkaline elements.
A healthy person has a blood pH that should be between 7.35 and 7.45. Our gastric juices are acidic, PH 1.0-2.0, and lemon juice, for example, has a PH of 2.4. This dance of numbers is essential to keep our health in top shape, too many times we only eat those from part of the list. The pH imbalance can result in weight gain or loss, in addition to eliminating the natural barrier of our body’s defenses. Take note of alkaline foods and acids from this list to create the daily menu that will help you feel much more active.

- garlic
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Lemons
- Lentilslimeslotus root
- Mineral water
- NectarineOnionKhaki.
- Pineapple
- pumpkin seeds
- raspberries Sea
- salt
- Spirulina
- Pumpkinapricots
- Strawberries
- Apples
- peaches
- Blackberries
- oranges
- grapefruits
- Grape
- kale
- almonds
- hazelnuts
- Celery
- dates
- watercress
- Spinach
- escaroles
- Green peas
- Green beans
- Lettuce
- radishes
- Tomatoes
- Melon
- Watermelon
- Broccoli
- carrots
- chestnuts
- Peppers
- Endives
- Garlic
- Kale
- Asparagus
- Herbs tea
- Kiwi
- Mango
- Parsley
- spices
- Soy sauce

- Meats in general
- Artificial sweeteners
- Beer
- Bread
- white and brown sugar
- Cocoa
- fried foods
- White flour
- Sweetened fruit juices
- Barley
- White paste
- seafood
- Wine
- Cookies
- refined rice
- Cakes
- sausages
- Pickles
- Eggs
- processed cereals
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Yogurt
- Whole milk
- Butter
- Trout
- Eggs
- Integral rice
- Canned tuna
- Basmati rice
- Garbanzo beans
- Fructose
- Mustard
- mussels
- Lard
- pasteurized honey
- pickled olives
- Squid
- soy milk
- Rye
- squid
- Raisins
There are neutral or low alkalinity foods
- Olive oil
- Alfalfa sprouts
- bananas
- Beetroot
- Brussels sprouts
- Celery
- Cilantro
- blueberries
- ginger tea
- Coconut oil
- fermented vegetables
- Cucumber
- Avocado oil
- Grapes
- Oatmeal
- tahini
- Wild rice
- Quinoa
- sunflower seeds
- Tempeh
Alkaline and acidic foods: properties and daily menu
When creating a perfect daily menu we must take into account the proportion of these foods that must be appropriate. Nutrition experts affirm that the right measure is 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic, in this way our body will remain in perfect balance. Making the shopping list thinking about this menu or any that includes a higher portion of alkaline than acid is essential.
7 Days Alkaline Diet Plan Chart
– Breakfast: Tea, oatmeal, and coconut or walnut and sesame cookies.
– Mid-morning: Banana smoothie.
– Meals: Cauliflower and peppers with garlic and parsley.
– Mid-afternoon: 4 or 5 dates and raisins.
– Dinner: A vegetable skewer with tofu.
– Breakfast: Celery, kiwi, and apple smoothie or green tea.
– Mid-morning: 2 slices of goat cheese.
– Food: Cream of carrots and 100 grams grilled turkey.
– Mid-afternoon: 3 oatmeal cookies.
– Dinner: Rice with beans.
– Breakfast: Lemon tea, rye bread, and pure honey.
– Mid-morning: 2 kiwis.
– Food: Rice with grapes.
– Mid-afternoon: Beet, carrot, and almond smoothie.
– Dinner: Sautéed asparagus and tofu.
– Breakfast: Ginger tea and pancakes with agave syrup.
– Mid-morning: Mango, orange, and lime smoothie.
– Food: Almond soup.
– Mid-afternoon: 5 or 6 hazelnuts or chestnuts.
– Dinner: Carrot and pumpkin pudding.
– Breakfast: herbal tea and rye bread with honey.
– Mid-afternoon: 3 or 4 dried figs.
– Food: 150 grams. of rabbit accompanied with a stew of broccoli, green beans, broad beans, and asparagus.
– Mid-afternoon: 1 apple.
– Dinner: Lentils with sautéed vegetables.
Include 3 or 4 tablespoons of rapeseed, olive, or flax oil daily.